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Arab spring News of the day : Dec 23, 2011

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Arab Spring Brought Major Change, Challenges to Middle East

Voice of America

December 23, 2011 Arab Spring Brought Major Change, Challenges to Middle East Elizabeth Arrott | Cairo The wave of popular uprisings that swept the Arab world were as unexpected as they were cataclysmic. Long-reigning rulers fell, others teeter on the

25 best Arab Spring photos

National Post

Below, the best Arab Spring photos from the past year. WARNING: Some photographs depict scenes of violence and death. Turkish Muslims burn a picture of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on January 30, 2011 during a protest against his regime in front of

National Post

Arab Spring thaws Middle East investments


(MarketWatch) — The Arab Spring may have thawed the investment freeze in the Middle East. Demand for investment exposure and products in the Arab world is robust. Indeed, capitalizing on such interest, Standard & Poor’s has launched the S&P AFE

Russia warns of religious rift after Arab Spring

Chicago Tribune

MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia is concerned that the Arab Spring revolutions could sow further turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa by provoking a potentially catastrophic rift between Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

Android Trojan Sends SMS About Arab Spring Revolt

PC Magazine

By Sara Yin Security researchers have discovered an Android Trojan that sends a text message to all your contacts with a link to an online tribute to Mohamed Bouazizi, the Tunisian martyr whose suicide last December sparked the Arab Spring movement.

The Arab Spring, Seen From Brazil

New York Times (blog)

The Arab Spring has not been particularly pro-American or pro-European, and discontent with foreign interventions in the Muslim world may end up fueling resentment against the West. It would be a shame if the cause of human rights were thus tainted by

New York Times (blog)

Arab Spring

New York Times

didn’t just capture singular moments, but they looked backward and forward at the same time, at what has happened, and what is yet to come. The light from the Arab Spring rose from the ground up; the hope is now that the darkness doesn’t fall.

Arab Spring villains bombard EU with lawsuits

By Andrew Rettman BRUSSELS – The year of the Arab Spring has seen an extraordinary number of anti-EU lawsuits, including by the late Colonel Gaddafi, who lost. Eighty two people, entities or groups of entities hit by EU visa bans and asset freezes took

Saudi Arabia Cautiously Navigating Conflict with Iran amid Arab Spring Storm

Middle East Media Research Institute

Both countries have lost key allies as a result of the Arab Spring: Saudi Arabia has lost Egypt, its main ally in its leadership of the anti-Iran camp, due to that country’s preoccupation with domestic affairs. Iran has likewise lost its main ally,


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