Monday, February 24

Arab spring News : May 18, 2012

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Arab spring needs aid to succeed, says Osborne
Financial Times
By Neil Buckley in London George Osborne. the UK’s chancellor of the exchequer, warned on Friday that the push for democracy in Arab spring countries could fail unless the international community speeded up financial support to the region.
George W. Bush: The Arab Spring and American Ideals
Wall Street Journal
In the Arab Spring, we have seen the broadest challenge to authoritarian rule since the collapse of Soviet communism. The idea that Arab peoples are somehow content with oppression has been discredited forever. Yet we have also seen instability,
Call to aid Arab Spring economies
The Press Association
The international community must invest in the economies of the Arab Spring, to foster their transition into prosperous democracies and bolster them against the threats of instability and extremism, Chancellor George Osborne has said.
The Arab Spring is Part of the General Strike of the South
Wei Zhang assesses the social and health costs of China’s incredible GDP growth. by PRATYUSH CHANDRA Vijay Prashad’s new book, Arab Spring, Libyan Winter (AK Press, 2012) captures the complexity of the Arab revolts – by bringing out the history and
George Osborne: Arab Spring states need financial aid
BBC News
In a speech on Friday, Mr Osborne said the international community must not “choke off opportunity”. Uncertainty has deterred investment and led to shrinking growth, the Chancellor claimed. Former soviet countries could also face “significant

BBC News
Total: Fallout Of Arab Spring Will Sustain High Prices
Fox Business
LONDON – High oil prices will be sustained in part through increased social spending by Middle Eastern governments in the wake of the Arab spring, Total SA (TOT) Chief Economist Pierre Sigonney said Friday. A wave of uprisings against long-entrenched
Tapping the source of the Arab Spring
The Australian
THE Arab Spring is characterised for all but the Middle East buffs as a long series of events, strung together by a recall made hazy by the endless heat of numerous revolutionary moments and the wide open skies of possibility.
RapidSwitch helps international live streaming company bloom in Arab Spring
Virtual-Strategy Magazine
Livestation, the largest aggregator of live streaming television news, has credited the dedicated hosting it gets from RapidSwitch for helping it cope with a phenomenal growth in traffic during the Arab Spring. Livestation works with the world’s
Women stand to lose most in Arab Spring
Toronto Sun
There she was assaulted, groped and beaten by goons linked to security forces in Tahrir Square where the so-called “Arab Spring” gathered pace and toppled Hosni Mubarak’s dictatorship. There is, however, the denial and the apologetics of those made

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