Sunday, February 23

Arab spring News : Mar 4, 2012

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Violence turning Arab Spring into winter
Chicago Tribune
BKIRKI, Lebanon (Reuters) – Violence and bloodshed is turning the “Arab Spring” into winter, the head of Lebanon’s Maronite Church said, threatening Christians and Muslims alike across the Middle East. Patriarch Beshara al-Rai, whose Maronite Church
Arab Spring impacts Gulf politics more
Toppling four entrenched autocratic regimes in the Arab world in one year is something that can’t be taken lightly. The question being asked is why have only Arab republics that used to mock monarchies in the Gulf suffered the brunt of the Arab Spring?

Arab Spring fails to help women lawmakers: UN
Daily News Egypt
(AFP Photo/Pool/Khaled Elfiqi) By AFP UNITED NATIONS: The Arab Spring uprisings last year brought no increase in the number of women in the region’s parliaments, a UN report said Friday. At the end of 2011, women accounted for only 10.7 percent of
Arab Spring a call for dignity, justice and freedom, says Jordanian King
Bahrain News Agency
Amman, March 4 (BNA) — The Jordanian Monarch King Abdullah II said that the Arab Spring is a call for dignity, justice and freedom. He added that there’s no going back on the legitimate aspirations of the people to have a larger say in the way their

Bahrain News Agency
Jordan’s king: Arab Spring increased Israel’s isolation
Jordan’s King Abdullah said that “The Arab uprisings have obviously increased Israel’s isolation, as was immediately made evident by the storming of the Israeli embassy in Cairo last year.” In an interview with Turkish Policy Quarterly (TPQ) magazine

CULTURE-ARAB SPRING: A Revolution Through the Lens
Inter Press Service
During Arab Spring World Cinema day at Berlin’s 62nd international film festival, Arab filmmakers expressed hope, fear, defiance, resolve and resilience. In another example of life or death journalism-cum- movie making, Irish “teacher” filmmaker ..,

Inter Press Service
Arab Spring, Syria and the left: ‘No support for authoritarian regimes, no
Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal
I think the left is trying to make sense of the Arab Spring, its diversity, its promise and its perils (on that score, both Dabashi and I have books soon to appear on the Arab Spring). The left groups inside the nations of the Arab world are trying to
Arab spring‘ is not spring but ‘autumn’: Dahi
Emirates 24/7
Dubai’s Police Chief, one of the most outspoken officials in the region, has warned in press comments that political upheaval sweeping the Middle East could be intended to partition the Arab countries, adding that this means the so-called Arab spring

Emirates 24/7
Arab Springs And Bloody Mayhem
Sunday Leader
It was called a Jasmine Revolution, an Arab Spring. Spring to those living in temperate climes is the time when the world around them comes to life: the meadows turn green, flowers bloom and the birds break out into song—a scenario unknown to those

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