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Arab spring News : June 12, 2012

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Arab Spring revolutions stolen by groups
New Straits Times
By Volker Perthes 0 comments EIGHTEEN months into the beginning of the Arab revolts, the Middle East finds itself in a complex process of change that is overlaid by geopolitical competition and fears of war. The international community cannot engineer

New Straits Times
Tunisian Islamists riot over “insulting” art show
By Tarek Amara and Mohammed Argouby | TUNIS (Reuters) – Hundreds of Salafi Islamists, angered by an art exhibition they say insults Muslims, clashed with police in Tunis on Tuesday, raising religious tensions in the home of the Arab Spring and piling
The Arab Spring in the Long Run
It was hoped that the Arab Spring would bring freedom and democracy to the Middle East and North Africa. However, continued unrest in Libya and Syria points to a potentially bleaker future for the region. By Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou for the ISN

The Arab Spring Through an Israeli Prism
Certainly Wael Ghonim of Google, and the positive nature of the short-lived “Arab Spring” raised people’s hopes. The West convinced itself that education and modern social media had created an Arab body politic ready for democratic governance.
Salafi Islamists, police clash in Tunis: witnesses
The exhibition and the attack on the art works has stirred up religious tensions in the home of the Arab Spring, which has seen several sporadic confrontations between Salafi Islamists and police in recent months. While Islamists did not play a major
New pan-Arab satellite channel hopes to counter Al-Jazeera’s Arab Spring coverage
The Arab Spring uprisings that have swept the region since last year have polarized the media, with journalists accusing each other of taking sides. The split has highlighted a growing schism in the region. Sunni-led Gulf Arab countries are at odds
The Arab Spring is the Black Swan Moment of the Middle East
Huffington Post UK (blog)
The Arab Spring has been described and associated with such a wide variety of symbolic designations that at times, the term chosen to describe the series of protests that have swept across the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region may indicate a
Social media only go so far in Arab Spring
By Thomas L. Friedman I had just finished a panel discussion on Turkey and the Arab Spring at a regional conference in Istanbul. As I was leaving, a young Egyptian woman asked me: “Who should I vote for?” I thought: “Why is she asking me about Obama
Tunisian Islamists riot over art show they say insults Muslims
Reuters Blogs (blog)
REUTERS/Zoubeir Souissi ) Hundreds of Salafi Islamists, angered by an art exhibition they say insults Muslims, clashed with police in Tunis on Tuesday, raising religious tensions in the home of the Arab Spring and piling pressure on the moderate

Reuters Blogs (blog)
Tunisian police clash with Islamist extremists
Fox News
Tunisia is where the Arab Spring pro-democracy uprisings began when protesters overthrew a longtime secular dictator last year. The country now has a moderate Islamist government, and radical Islam has flourished on the fringes amid newfound religious

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