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Arab spring News : Feb 7, 2012

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Arab Spring Helps Spur Sales in Gulf Nations: Cars
Car sales are growing because oil prices are high and several countries are pumping money into their economies to seek social stability amid the Arab Spring uprisings. The price of crude has gained 6.7 percent over the past 12 months.
One size does not fit every Arab Spring
The Australian
With the exception of Yemen, it is more complex socially and geographically than the other countries affected by the Arab Spring, and the regional implications of regime change in the Levant are more consequential than elsewhere in the Arab world.
Arab Spring hits Indian mango producers
BBC News
By Sivaramakrishnan Parameswaran BBC News, Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, India The year ahead seems gloomy for almost half a million people in a small district in the southern part of India, as a result of last year’s Arab Spring. Mango cultivators in the

BBC News
How’s that Arab Spring working out for you, neocons?
The Star-Ledger – NJ.com (blog)
Last year when the Arab Spring was going strong, neoconservative deep thinker William Kristol offered this deep thought: “We can’t make all right with the world. But we can make some things in the world a little better.” Says who?

The Star-Ledger – NJ.com (blog)
Literature – Arab Spring [Album Review]
You might even be persuaded to spend more than $2 for Arab Spring when you hear it. Ten songs of infectious, jangly pop that, once heard, can be later reheard zinging around the corner of your lizard brain that never really gives a shit about your
The “Arab Spring” backfires
The Voice of Russia
The US which heartily supported the “Arab Spring”, notwithstanding its side-effects, like the ascent to power of Islamist forces, has now found itself in a dispute with the new leaders of Egypt. The Egyptian authorities have put more than 40 workers of

The Voice of Russia
McCain: “Arab Spring Coming To China”
China Digital Times
Zhang, speaking with McCain on a panel at the high-level Munich security conference, dismissed his comments about a looming Chinese Arab Spring as “no more than fantasy” and condemned foreign interference in Chinese internal affairs.
Royal Jordanian suspends flights hit by Arab Spring
Ahram Online
National carrier Royal Jordanian said Tuesday it plans to suspend flights to five European and Gulf destinations over high fuel prices and a slump in passenger traffic because of the Arab Spring. “In the coming two months, flights to Brussels,
Profits at Zaha Hadid Architects hit by Arab Spring disruptions
The Guardian
Profits at Zaha Hadid Architects more than halved last year as the Arab spring brought several major projects to a halt. A conference centre and a complex of offices and shops in Cairo were put on hold, as was a conference hall in the Libyan capital,

The Guardian
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg in Egypt: Admires Arab Spring
Greeley Gazette
by Craig Masters For those who don’t read Arabic, the headline reads: Arab Spring is an Islamic Uprising – as translated by the author. Could any liberal politician have demonstrated the art of deception and doublespeak to hide their real viewpoint

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