Sunday, February 23

Arab Spring News: August 23, 2012

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Film as Activism — Richard Peña Talks ‘Orientation: A New Arab Cinema’

Huffington Post

The greatest side effect of the movements of the Arab Spring has been all the interest the headlines have generated in stories from and about the Arab world. While two years ago talking about films like Cairo Exit and City of Life drew blank stares in …


Tradition still dictates Arab business, political approach

Zimbabwe Independent

GATHERED together around a wide table, a group of entrepreneurs in Dubai for this year’s MIT Enterprise Forum Arab Business Plan Competition represented a key constituency of the Arab Spring generation: Young, educated, reform-minded and seeking to …


Independence: wishful thinking for Arab media?

Deutsche Welle‎

More than 30 journalists have been killed in Syria. Editors-in-chief get kicked out of Egyptian government papers. Tighter mediapolicies are in



Independence: wishful thinking for Arab media?

Washington Times‎

‪JERUSALEM — It wasn’t an Arab Spring — more like an Arab Spring Break: Thousands of Palestinians this week surged throughIsraeli …


Heated Debate Over the Place of Religion in First Arab Spring Constitution

Tunisia Live

Discussion concerning Tunisia’s “Arab-Muslim identity” has gravitated to the center of the country’s post-revolutionary political discourse. Given that the preservation of this identity has been a priority on the platforms of a number of political ..


World Affairs Discussion Focuses on Arab Spring

Hartford Courant

The Duncaster Retirement Community’s ongoing world affairs series will feature a discussion on King Abdullah and the Arab Spring, Aug, 28, 10:30 a.m. to noon., 40 Loeffler Road, Bloomfield. The discussion, which is free and open to the public, will …


‘A nation without culture is just a big supermarket’

‪Tarek Bin Ammar, the French-Tunisian tycoon is a counsellor to Silvio Berlusconi and Prince Walid Bin Talal, is a friend of Rupert Murdoch and


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