Tuesday, March 4

Arab Spring News: August 16, 2012

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After Arab Spring, Fears of Islamist Tyranny Grow in Egypt

The New American
After Arab Spring, Fears of Islamist Tyranny Grow in Egypt. Written by Alex Newman. font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size; Print · Email · After Arab Spring, Fears of Islamist Tyranny Grow in Egypt. With …


Israel shifts defense focus after Arab Spring
Jerusalem (CNN) — Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu launched a major review of the country’s defense strategy on Wednesday, as the embattled regional power tries to adapt to a post-Arab Spring world. Netanyahu took the rare step of summoning …


The Arab Spring springs surprises
The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A.
Coupled with the horrifically brutal nature of both of these regimes, the spread of the “Arab Spring”, as it came to be known, lost momentum. Despite some initial successes achieved by anti-Qaddafi rebels in Libya, the tide was turned fairly quickly as …


Will the Tunisian constitution erode the gains of women in the Arab Spring?
New Statesman (blog)
… revolution to the language of the constitution. The protests on Monday, however, seemed to say that the language of Article 27 is not a language many recognise or want to hear. Heather McRobie is writing her PhD on constitution-drafting in the Arab …


Q&A: What about Bahrain’s uprising?
The protests, which began in February 2011, were spurred by the popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt but have failed to gain the traction of the other Arab Springuprisings. Lamees Dhaif, a journalist and activist, shares her thoughts on what is …


Egypt as mirror of “Arab spring”
At the same time, statistics on Arab countries is very often flawed, and the number of Coptic population may be significantly cut to please the Arabpopulation. Recent clashes between the Muslims and Copts in Egypt occurred last week. At least 16 ..


Sleiman: Arab wars will not be waged in Lebanon
The Daily Star
Referring to the wave of Arab Spring uprisings roiling the Arab world, Sleiman said: “Lebanon is evolving today amid the change toward democracy that is taking place in the region. It will not return in the future [to serve] as an arena for struggles …


Liveability blow for riot cities
The Press Association
Elsewhere in the world, the impact of the Arab Spring is still being felt, said the report. Many cities in the Middle East and North Africa have seen downward revisions of their scores because of civil unrest. The ongoing civil war in Syria saw the …


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