Friday, March 28

Arab Spring News: August 12, 2012

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In the long run, Arab Spring might help Israel

I was arguing that there is a possibility — not a certainty — that Israel will eventually emerge safer than before as a result of the Arab revolutions, also known as the Arab Spring. I have not changed my mind. Let me be clear: I know there are no ..


A hacktivist of the Arab Spring

Philadelphia Inquirer

Living in an unnamed emirate during the Arab Spring, Alif is sought by fellow hacktivists to protect them from their own states’ oppressive online security measures. He is the best at what he does, but this doesn’t prevent the Hand of God – the …


Arab Spring: Déjà vu for Filipinos 25 years after EDSA People Power

Intended for a general audience, their book “Why Nations Fail” starts with a gripping account of the 2011 Arab Spring that will overwhelm veterans of our own People Power Revolution in 1986 with a great sense of pride and a poignant déjà vu feeling.


Investments help foster another Arab Spring

Seeqnce is part of another Arab spring. Incubators such as Flat6Labs and Oasis500 are trying to do for, respectively, Cairo and Jordan what Seeqnce is doing for Beirut. Private-equity firms such as Abraaj Capital and Citadel Capital are investing in …


Opinion: Beyond the Arab Spring – by Engr. Sharique Naeem

Tripoli Post

As the Arab spring continues to unfold, each event, is being analysed closely by Politicians, Journalists, and Intellectuals both in the west and the east. The developments which commenced with the events in Tunisia, and later gripped the entire region ..


A Gulf Business Salary Survey Shows Annual Increases in a Review of Middle 

Sacramento Bee

Neither the international financial downturn, nor the economic impact of the Arab spring over the past year have taken the shine off salaries for gulf jobs in the past year. The 2012 Gulf Business salary survey of middle east jobs was calculated by …


Egypt: There Goes the Free Media

The Jewish Press

So can you write “Arab Spring,” free elections, democracy in Egypt, and such things 100 times? Might this be somewhat in contradiction to the fact that: Muslim Brotherhood President al-Mursi has just named the editors of the top Egyptian newspaper and .


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