Monday, February 24

Arab spring News : Apr 23, 2012

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The Spring of Hope: Restoring the Dignity
Huffington Post (blog)
I am in Tunis — this is where the Arab Spring got launched in December 2010. I have had the privilege of being in the Arab world for the last two weeks meeting and having discussions with youth and young entrepreneurs about how they perceive their
Hangover IVs, Gaga, Arab Spring: 10 Must-Knows (blog)
Autocrats cracking down on Arab Spring protesters may face sanctions: President Obama will announce a plan to penalize foreign entities that help authoritative regimes use technology to crackdown on dissidents, according to a report. 3.
Why Tom Friedman is America’s Perfect Centrist Pundit
The Atlantic
Does America need an Arab Spring? That question was on my mind Sunday when I read a Thomas Friedman column that began with that question. After calling “Frank” Fukuyama to talk it over, the NY Times columnist had a hypothesis: “Has American gone from a

The Atlantic
Arab Spring – have women’s rights been forgotten?
Public Service
Zahid Mahmood reports from the Youth Professionals Summit at the Brussels Forum “What is the future for democracy in the Middle East, following the Arab Spring?”… “Depends how you define democracy”, says Mahmoud Salem, a political activist from Egypt.

Public Service
US Like Communist China, Needs Arab Spring
American Spectator (blog)
Not to be outdone, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman wonders if America needs an “Arab spring” because the last vestiges of constitutionally limited government make it so darned hard to get anything done. (Presumably by Arab springhe doesn’t
Achievements of the UK Government’s Arab Partnership
By Kouichi Shirayanagi, 22 April 2012 Some people regard the Arab Spring with fear and consternation. The uncertainty change brings can be unsettling, especially when it is accompanied by a deterioration in security. But in Britain we view the Arab
Are You “Spring Trained” For May Day?
Real News Network
The idea of “Spring” is more connected to the “Arab Spring,” a time of revolt than the season we’ve entered. Can this relatively new movement pull off an ambitious General Strike to shut down a city like New York? In many ways, the success of this
The Arab Spring puts a strain on Jordan’s ecology
New Scientist
Azraq means “blue” in Arabic. It is, or was, the only permanent oasis in the surrounding 12000 square kilometres of desert. Porous basalt carries rainwater here from mountains in Syria, which created 25 square kilometres of wetland, for centuries a
Late Arab spring in Mauritania: thousands in anti-regime protest
Middle East Online
No incident was reported during the protest, which was called by several opposition parties and youth groups formed in the aftermath of the so-called Arab Spring. Around 40 young opposition supporters were arrested four days earlier during another

Middle East Online

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