Sunday, February 23

Arab spring : Eid: Your experiences

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02 September 11 10:48 GMT

People out on the street in Damascus celebrating Eid

As the repercussions of the Arab Spring in Middle Eastern and North African countries continue, many people are coping with the consequences while at the same time trying to observe Eid.

Muslim people around the world have been celebrating the festival that marks the end of Ramadan, a month of fasting and prayer.

BBC News website readers share their experience of Eid in a time of revolution.

Rasheed, Yemen

We are celebrating Eid al-Fitr this year.

We are marking the occasion by visiting relatives, friends and going out with children.

This year is different, due to the current situation in Yemen. The celebration is quite limited in terms of going out to public places fearing any sudden accidents.

We also made a donation for youth at al Taghyer Square.

Eid was totally different this year. It was a bit gloomy, boring, disappointing, worrying and above all, blurred on what is going to happen next.

Aymen, Tunis, Tunisia

I went out early morning of Eid to see if people would be able to pray freely outdoors following the Sun-nah after the revolution, and I was happy seeing people do so.

For me, I spend some time with my family at home chatting and have the first meal together, then go visit family and friends.

Celebrations are short for me because I’m an activist in a watchdog organisation and we are just one month away from the elections. So back to work in the afternoon.

I’ve seen people everywhere going more than ever to the mosques without fear of religious persecution, flags of Tunisia and Libya everywhere and big numbers of Libyans in the entertainment centres sharing the blessing of the Eid with everyone.

I was really proud of all that happened starting from Tunisia and all over the Arab world. I can now wear what I want and look the way I like without fear of being called extremist or thrown in jail.

People now are proud more than ever of being Arab, and it’s really a pride for me that it started from my small, unknown country.

Even though we feel sorry about what’s happening in Syria, Yemen and Bahrain this day is so sacred especially for innocent children who need some fun after a long struggle and curfew.

Faisal, Damascus, Syria

People are certainly celebrating Eid this year. The shops are shut and the streets are quiet throughout most of the day.

This is in sharp contrast to Ramadan when street life and commerce continued pretty much as normal.

Young guys and girls, the shabab, strut around during the cool afternoons, dressed in their finest clothes, chatting and flirting.

People’s doorbells in my neighbourhood are busy ringing throughout the day as friends and relatives visit each other.

Kids run around with their new toys – toy guns are a particular favourite – no, it’s not a sign of the times! They were just as popular last year.

I was in Damascus last year for Eid and can’t tell much difference.

I spoke with a young protester who is very active in the movement, as well as a devout Muslim. He said that he would be observing Eid but acknowledged that it would be a muted celebration this year.

Mariam, Alexandria, Egypt

I am celebrating Eid, as always! I am taking time off from work, staying with my family most of the time, going on visits to family and friends and receiving guests, eating Eid cookies and all kinds of sugary things that guarantee you putting on weight.

I’ll be watching old Arabic plays that we have watched before a million times on TV, trying to avoid the streets where you can’t walk or drive in the midst of the sea of people wandering around aimlessly.

The only thing that feels different about Eid this year is the fact that Mubarak wasn’t on TV praying Eid prayers.

There’s chaos in the street – traffic is a nightmare, random car parking, horses and donkeys in the middle of the road, even toktoks going in the wrong direction along the seaside.

Though there are celebrations, we still feel oppressed. There are military trials, and the feeling that we haven’t changed many people in power are valid reasons why we are not too optimistic.


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