Thursday, March 6

Arab League chief stresses importance of transition​al justice conf.

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(With photos) CAIRO, Sept 22 (KUNA) — Arab League Secretary General Nabil Al-Araby stressed on Sunday importance of the “Transitional Justice Mechanisms in Arab Spring States” conference, especially since it is being held during a momentous period of Arab people’s history in the wake of ferocious conflicts that took place in the region, which drained its power. Many victims, injured, widows, and orphans were the consequence of those conflicts and battles in the regions as they were carried out on the account of the principles of the state of law in human societies, and became an obstacle in the way of attaining the ambitions of so-called Arab Spring revolutions, Al-Araby said during the opening session of the one-day conference, organized by Arab Center for Law Awareness, and sponsored by the Arab League. He indicated that the need to adopt effective mechanism for transitional justice has become urgent, not only in these countries, in which its people revolted against corruption and injustice; but also in all Arab states that call for the establishment of a modern civil state with its various legal, political, and social aspects. For his part, Dr. Khaled Al-Qadhi, President Arab Center for Law Awareness, asserted that current circumstances passed by the Arab region, specifically countries that are still witnessing rumbling social movement on all fields and arenas, proves importance of implementing transitional justice mechanisms, noting at the same time that this movement had led to transition of one political system into another opposing one to its beliefs and ideologies. Al-Qadhi attributed instability in some Arab Spring states to non-implementation of transitional justice mechanisms in an effective manner, pointing out that this experience has proved importance of treating the aftermaths resulted from those conflicts through mechanisms of transitional justice in order to bring back peace and social stability in these countries, as well as attaining the national dialogue. In the same context, Ali Awadh Saleh, current constitutional adviser to interim Egyptian President, said that the transitional peace process, following the June 30th revolution, has taken new and important direction towards its attainment; beginning from formation of the ministry of national dialogue and transitional justice, and to the current working on forming the transitional justice commission, which embodies the legal and technical aspects under a direct supervision by the Republic’s Presidency. (end) KUNA 222006 Sep 13NNNN


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