Wednesday, March 26

Amb. Marc Ginsberg: The King’s Speech Vs. The Dictator’s Deceit

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Amb. Marc Ginsberg: The King’s Speech Vs. The Dictator’s Deceit.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Morocco Marc Ginsberg speaks very approvingly of the reforms proposed by Moroccan King Mohammed VI: All told, the proposed constitutional reforms represent the most significant step toward a government accountable to the people ever taken by a Moroccan monarch, and for that matter, any monarch throughout the Arab world.

Ginsberg observes that the King has been a canny observer of the mood of the country and has managed to keep pace with demands for change (acknowledging that he has not gone far enough or fast enough for some. Ginsberg contrasts this with the speech made by Syrian President Assad whom he lambasts for being ineffectual and dictatorial.


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