Monday, February 24

Abengoa Begins Construction On The Agadir Desalination Plant

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Africa Business Communities
by Afia

Abengoa, has recently begun construction of the desalination plant in Agadir, Morocco, having closed the financing for the project together with its local partner InfraMaroc (CDG Capital Infrastructures group).

Once commissioned, the Abengoa plant located 45 km from the city of Agadir will supply 100,000 m3/day of drinking water to more than 500,000 people in the region. It will also ensure the drinking water supply and water security in the zone, further contributing to the development of the tourism and agricultural industries that are the main economic drivers of this region.

The plant will use the most modern ultrafiltration pre-treatment systems and reverse osmosis technology to desalinate sea water. Furthermore, the plant’s capacity may be increased in the future by an additional 100,000 m3day of drinking water.

The Agadir desalination project is part of Abengoa’s strategic plan to solve water supply problems in those parts of the world most affected by water shortages. Moreover, it will be the largest capacity desalination plant in the region. A total of €82 million in financing has been arranged with a consortium of local banks led by Banque Marocaine du Commerce Extérieur (BMCE), ensuring a high degree of integration and participation with the local business and financial sector. Furthermore, this is the first project that the National Power and Drinking Water Office (ONEE) has developed under a public-private partnership (PPP) system, putting Abengoa at the forefront of this model in Morocco.

Abengoa has been present in Morocco since 1977 and has offices in the cities of Rabat and Casablanca. It has carried out major large-scale projects in the region, including the world’s first ISCC (Integrated Solar Combined Cycle) plant located in Ain Beni Mathar.


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