Monday, March 10

A Powerful Royal Message On Status Of Jerusalem And A Royal Tribute To The American Administration In Ongoing Peace Process‏ – OpEd

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Eurasia Review

King Mohammed VI of Morocco

By Said Temsamani 

The twentieth session of the Al Quds Committee was opened by His Majesty King Mohammed VI this Jan. 17, 2014 , after the completion of the Friday Prayers at Al Koutoubia Mosque in Marrakech , accompanied by the President of the State of Palestine, Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, and other heads of delegations .

On this occasion, the King of Morocco has issued , in his opening speech , a powerful and uncompromising message to the international community on the status of the Holy City of Jerusalem for all Muslims.

Moroccan Sovereign stated that this issue has become a top priority on the Moroccan government agenda along with the the first national cause: the Moroccan Sahara issue. therefore, the two issues have become constants of the Moroccan diplomacy .

The Palestinian issue, with its Al Quds Al Sharif component is the first case of the entire Islamic Ummah. In his innaugural speech, King Mohammed expressed his deep concern about the intention of the Vatican to sign an agreement with Israel on the legal status of church property in occupied Al-Quds , an agreement that would give legitimacy to the practices of the occupation authorities which violate international resolutions concerning the inviolability of the legal status of Jerusalem .

King Mohammed as Chairman of the Al Quds Committee, stressed that this twentieth session takes place in a context marked by an international consensus on the need to increase more constant support to the peace process and insisted that Al -Quds is the essence of the Palestinian issue, and that there cannot be peace without definitive definition of AlQods East status as the capital of the Palestinian state.

The King of Morocco also stressed the fact that the achievement of peace depends on respect by Israel of its obligations and international commitments, especially those relating to the roadmap , which was adopted by the Quartet and approved by the Security Council . Also the major opportunities offered by the Arab Peace Initiative.

In this context, the King of Morocco paid tribute to the tireless efforts that the U.S. Administration is making in accordance with the guidelines of President Barack Obama, and under the supervision of the Secretary of State, John Kerry. Efforts that have created a constructive dynamic to the peace process.

Finally, His Majesty King Mohammed VI said that the keystone to strengthen the Palestinian position remains the achievement of a genuine inter-Palestinian reconciliation , based on the unity of the Palestinian ranks , under the leadership of the National Authority under the presidency of Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen.

In conclusion, this great message that the Moroccan Sovereign issued from Marrakech will undoubtedely have a major impact on the political solution being developed under the leadership of Americans to end the oldest conflict in the region and allow Israelis and Palestinians to live in peace and harmony.

This speech also confirmed that the Moroccan diplomacy , that has taken the lead on this issue, is active and dynamic , thanks to the action of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

It is undeniable that the Moroccan Sovereign, summoning the Al Quds Committee , has put the issue of the Holy City to meet the international and diplomatic agendas , highlighting the contribution of the King of Morocco in the progression of peace by throwing much light on the status of Jerusalem.

The city of Jerusalem is deeply significant for the Jewish people, and also for Muslims and Christians around the world. The reality is that neither Israelis nor Palestinians will ever relinquish their claim over the city and its holy sites. For either party to oppose all compromise over Jerusalem would be to condemn Israelis and Palestinians to unending conflict. But while any two-state peace agreement must resolve the status of Jerusalem, this one negotiating point need not be an obstacle to engaging in peace efforts.

Israeli and Palestinian leaders must acknowledge the need for compromise over this issue and shown considerable flexibility. And polling has demonstrated increased support among Israelis and Palestinians for a two-state agreement that would resolve all issues, including sovereignty over Jerusalem. If Israeli and Palestinian leaders again show the will to negotiate peace, with the US leading the way, even the historic status of Jerusalem can be resolved in a two-state peace agreement.


About: Said Temsamani

Said Temsamani

Senior Fellow at the Meridian International Center and member of the National Press Club, Washington DC. Said Temsamani is a political analyst who follows events in Morocco and across North Africa.

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