Monday, February 24

A Lot Of Progress Achieved In Morocco Over Past Thirteen Years, US Ambassador

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Rabat  –  US Ambassador in Morocco Samuel Kaplan affirmed that “a lot of progress has been achieved in Morocco over the past thirteen years,” underlining that the country’s affairs were conducted with vigor.

 There were discussions, debates and lively participations in the Moroccan reform process, the diplomat told on Monday French-speaking daily “le Matin du Sahara et du Maghreb”.

He added that two major reforms marked the past thirteen years: the setting up of the Equity and Reconciliation Committee (IER) and the law governing women’s rights in Morocco.

“It is impressive and important to open a debate on such subject,” Kaplan said referring to the IER which was tasked with dealing with past human rights abuses and compensating the victims.

“I respect a lot His Majesty. Moroccans want change, but they are attached to their country’s stability,” he noted.

On the Moroccan-American cooperation, mainly the Millennium Challenge Account (worth 697.5 million dollars granted in 2007 by the USA to Morocco), the Ambassador described the program as very successful.

He cited the planting of 6 million fruit trees, the revamping of the old medina of Fez and the literacy program for craftsmen.

Concerning the future of bilateral ties, the Ambassador said that his country will contribute to improving the school system and developing job-generating projects, in addition to fostering cooperation in the field of security and military cooperation.



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