Monday, March 10

A Guide to Moroccan Mint Tea

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Moroccan mint tea is a delicious staple in my diet here in Fes. I’ve decided that this treat needs to be shared with my Minnesotan counterparts.

These past few weeks have opened my eyes, and stomach, to the wonderful world of Moroccan cuisine. While couscous and dates will always hold a special place in my heart, nothing compares to the always delicious Moroccan mint tea.

Though I have been a die-hard coffee fan since early middle school (thanks Mom!) this hot beverage is rivaling for first place in my mind. Drinking it is akin to sipping on a glass of sweet spearmint gum.

A glass of mint tea, served at a café in Fes.

The thought of never having it after leaving Morocco was almost too painful to bear, so my roommate Katie and I begged our host mom, Khadija, to give us a lesson.

So, here follows a step-by-step instruction of how to brew Moroccan mint tea. Prepare to taste for yourself and be amazed.

1. Boil water — I hope you knew this all ready, but I included it just in case.

2. In a teapot, combine a handful of loose green tea, a quart sized bucket of mint leaves, and six HEAPING tablespoons of sugar (it should look like your teapot got caught in a large snowstorm)

Our family teapot stuffed to the brim and ready to brew

3. Pour boiled water into your fancy silver teapot and heat again.

Before long your teapot will be steaming, signaling that you are moments away from enjoying a delicious glass of tea. And if you’re lucky, you might even get some cookies thrown in as well!

Tea time with the family. From left to right: Katie Sieger, Taha (host brother age 20), Me, and Khadija (host mother)



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