Saturday, October 5

Pomegranates in Orange Flower Water in Fes

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by Amy Sherman

Fes-sherman-430 Walking around the Fes medina in Morocco is heady and intoxicating. The median demands attention from every one of your senses, from the sound of the call to prayer first thing in the morning, to the taste of hot bread being baked on a griddle right in front of you, to the mysteriously changing colors of the city walls that seem to undulate from yellow to gray to peach at sunset. But the sense that will be stimulated the most in Fes has got to be the sense of smell.

I was in Fes during the Festival of Sacrifice, known as Eid, when every family sacrifices a lamb. The scent of the city was gamey and fatty smoke. Walking through the medina, there were lamb hides everywhere, sometimes stacked high waiting to be picked up. It was a bit overwhelming but in a way I was glad for the pungent smells, even the strong ones, because they made me acutely aware of where I was.

I took pictures of the baskets of vibrant, almost glowing bright orange strawberry tree fruit, nut studded white, pink, and pale green nougat candy, and endless bundles of the mint that get used in making tea. After visiting the medina all morning, I had lunch with a family who had prepared a lavish meal. At the end, we were served several desserts including a large platter of pomegranate seeds, scented with orange flower water. I will never forget the dreamy sweet aroma. And it’s one you can easily duplicate at home with only three ingredients. My recipe next …

Pomegranates in Orange Flower Water

2 pomegranates

1 Tablespoon sugar

1 Tablespoon orange flower water

Remove the seeds from the pomegranate. Wash the seeds and remove all bits of white membrane. Drain on towels. Gently combine the pomegranate seeds with the sugar and orange flower water. Arrange the seeds on a platter. Allow to stand for at least 30 minutes before serving so the sugar melts.

My thanks to the Moroccan Tourism Board for hosting me.



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